This year Kenya celebrates 60 years since It got Her independence and it’s now official that the nation is a senior. However, the capital city of Nairobi is just getting to the peak of its powers and is widely considered to be one of the fastest growing cities in Africa and the world.

In addition, there’s a new sheriff  in town “The Hustler”, who seems to be hell-bent on making Kenya the number #1 investment destination in Africa with projects such as the Income-Real Estate Investment Trust (I-REIT) which is the first of its kind.

With this in mind you’d have to be blinder than Stevie Wonder if you failed to see the glorious investment potential of “The green city under the sun”. And where better to start your investment journey than in real estate?

There are certain things that are vital which one looks at before investing and that’s the location of the place because this will determine what you will put up there and the people you will be targeting as well.

So here are the top 5 places to invest in Nairobi and its environs/satellites:


  • Thindigua.

This piece of land is located just 9.4 km from the Nairobi CBD, Thindigua is one of the fastest growing satellite towns of Nairobi. It offers a cool and wet type of climate with the lavish suburbs of Runda and Muthaiga as its immediate neighbours.

For those looking for places to invest then Thindigua is your deal, If you just built mansions in this area you can be least assured that you won’t be getting nothing less than 5 million every month who doesn’t want to get that?

The estate also prides itself with one of the best social amenities such as international schools, well known malls and even big hospital facilities.

Owning land here will give you easy access to one of the best malls and food markets that are in the county( Ridge ways and even Two Rivers mall).

There’s also assured security because of it’s location you will be slightly close to the Police post meaning the place is heavily guarded.

For those looking for a quiet place with a good cool ambience to reside in then Thindigua should be in your list.

The price of the land varies with the number of acres you are interested in.


This is a central Bantu community as even the name suggests (Agikuyu).

Kikuyu is a growing area with seeing many people are owning land there because of its proximity to Nairobi CBD, for anyone whose working close to Nairobi and wants to stay close should then consider getting land in Kikuyu.

It’s located at the heart of ondire in kikuyu along Waiyaki way there are quite a number of acres that are awaiting owners.

The land is flat with red soil that’s well drained. Slightly 30 km drive from the Nairobi CBD.

Anyone looking for a serene environment where there’s room to stay and watch their kids grow, then Kikuyu is your destination.


It also offers great land for those who are interested in investing and venture into agricultural business, their red soil is good for growing trees, flowers among many other crops.

Here you won’t have to worry about the traffic that has others battling on the Thika road rather you will be having a smooth free runway to your place and back. And of course the area is being served with other social amenities that are electricity, water.


  • JUJA

Located along Thika road slightly ahead after passing Kimbo, that’s 33km from Nairobi roughly 40minutes.

Investing in Juja comes in handy as you are able to access well built infrastructure, there’s also a well built road network that is convenient for you and your clients.

Owning land on this premise is a good deal as it has a lot of advantages.

For one considering the fact that it’s close to the Thika Super highway it comes with a lot of benefits, you may be approached by and investor wanting to strike a deal worth millions with you, you can also set up an apartment that you can be collecting rent at the end of the month.

Also in due time you may end up increasing your rent because of the high demand of your houses.

There’s also proximity to service hubs such as Juja city mall, International and preparatory schools, banks, hospitals and even universities (JKUAT).

Have we talked about the view of seeing the Super highway and the fresh air that’s a quiet place free from town.

There’s social amenities as well such as electricity and water these two are very essential when it comes to making life a little bit more easier to live and mind you, all clients who want to live in a place always look at these two things and Juja happens to have them since it lies along Thika road.

Put this on your list.

The prices vary with the number of acres you are interested in.


This are is also located along Thika road thats 25 km from the Nairobi CBD which is roughly 30 minutes.

Choosing this place is a good deal because of it’s accessibility to the the Nairobi CBD and it’ this very same highway you use that will take you to other well doing regions like Juja and even the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

It’s a good place to do business because of it’s affordability for instance if you were to maybe build up rentals then  you can be very sure the moment you are done, they will all be filled up because of how fair the charges are affordable.

Considering the current economy that’s striking hard, those in Ruiru are really benefiting a great deal as people are now relocating to areas where life is not so expensive and Ruiru happens to be on of them.

You can also buy land at a slightly fair price which will spare you some funds in ensuring you set up your house in less than 2 years.

There are also Social amenities within reach such as water and electricity, learning institutions as well that include: Zetech, Kenyatta University and even NIBS. There are also malls (Spur mall, Uni city) and restaurants that are also within the area.

For leisure get away maybe during weekends one would pullover at the eastern bypass where there are quite a number of Nyama choma zones and refreshments areas.

And of course not forgetting the one thing that Ruiru is known for and that’s the serene environment that not only is quiet and conducive but also supports agricultural practices such as planting vegetables, Coffee and even owning a fish pond.



Located 51km from Nairobi County.

This should be in your list as well because of the following reasons:

Developed infrastructure, Kitengela has quite a number of set up industries and other business places that saves you the stress of tripping all the way to town to do your shopping.

This is also an opportunity to own a plot so that you can build up rentals as you will be targeting the many people who are working in the textile industries and other wholesales.

It also has a well tarmacked road and other social amenities which are electricity and water.

The area also has quite a number of health facilities and other banks that see to it that the area people are served.

There’s also availability of learning institutions that help the learners in the area excel in the education endeavors.

Considering the fact that there are industries and whole sales that are selling building materials at a cheaper price should be another added advantage as to why one should consider picking kitengela.

It has a rising economic Growth the fact that there are quite a number of of many entertainment spots ( Olerai hotel, kitengela breeze gardens and even Albans hotel) and many residential flats clearly says that the area has been prioritized and chosen by many.

The area also offers affordable prices when it comes to housing whether buying land or renting that tells you that the houses will always have clients in them and the land prices can be bought at a fair price.

Invest in kikuyu