Title Deed Conversion in Kenya

Title Deed Conversion in Kenya

Title Deed Conversion in Kenya 

Apart from acquiring a new Title Deed for the first time, simply known as Title Deed Transfer, there is a renewal process for Title deeds acquired before 2012 and is known as Title Deed Conversion.

Explained Down below is A-Z information regarding Title Deed Conversion in Kenya.

  • What is Title Deed Conversion?

Conversion of title deeds is the process of transferring all parcels from the abolished Land Registry Act to a unified system under the Land Registry Act 2012.

All title deeds under the repealed Land Act will be replaced with new ones in accordance with the Land Registration Act 2012.

  • How much does it cost to convert a title deed?

This exercise is free and conducted by Land registrars

  • How will you know if the title deed conversion was successful?

Exercises will be conducted systematically and affected land Title deed will be published in the Official Gazette before new title deeds are issued.

  • How long does it take to convert a title deed?

Once the exchange process is initiated, the title exchange will occur immediately.

  • Is it possible for more than one person to have the same physical genuine title deed?

It is impossible for two individuals to own same title deeds with same serial number. In such cases, only the title deed is authentic whilst the other fake.

To avoid instances of being granted a fake Title deed, keenly follow these guidelines to your safety (link)

  • Can two names be registered under one title deed?

Yes, land can be jointly owned as explained in this blog here (link).

  • What documents are essential for Title Deed Conversion?

The landowner is required to submit a Form 97 application to the registrar, enclosing a copy of the original title deed and identification document.

  • Can the title deed conversion be done online?

No, it is not available online as in order to issue a new title deed under the Land Registration Act 2012, the owner must surrender the old title deed.

Important steps towards obtaining a new title deed

  • Preparation of cadastral plan with conversion list by the Ministry of Lands

  • Publication of cadastral plans and conversion lists

  • Complaint Submission and Review

  • Closing of the old register and opening of trading on the new register

  • A request to replace the title document from the old register.

Once a parcel is listed in the Kenya Gazette, landowners usually have 90 days to file a complaint.

You will then submit your old title deed, supporting documents, and ID card to obtain a new title deed.