Every purchase we make for goods and services for sale be it physical or online has a step-by-step sales procedure until you get hold of the product or service. For example, when you visit the supermarket, the first thing on your hand is the shopping cart followed by identifying and picking the items on the shelves. Eventually you line up and pay for your order then leave with the packaged item(s).
When buying plots, similar procedures happen from the moment you desire to own land until the actual moment you receive a Title Deed registered under you.
These procedures and steps form up the sales process. In this blog, we explain the simple, seamless and stress-free sales process with AMCCO Properties Limited.
• Enquiry Stage
80% of our land investors started their journey at this stage. Through our online campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Website and WhatsApp, interested land investors will often send us several enquiry messages whereby we pick up the conversation from there. We also follow up on comments through friendly calls and chats answering all questions related to our plots for sale. At this stage, our relationship managers engage the land investor in a conversation and the feedback obtained helps us guide the land investor to the most suitable land property.
Discussions revolve around the intended land purpose; either residential or speculation, the amenities available, acquisition duration, Title Deeds Transfer and flexible payment methods. Useful materials inclusive the property catalogue, mutation, photos and videos are shared by the respective Relationship Manager. Eventually, the investor has a decision to make; either to opt out or book a free site visit to the actual land.
• Office Tour And Briefing
This stage accommodates two groups of investors, one who proceeds from the enquiry stage, and the walk in. Basically, 20% of our land investors are walk-ins. They either were referred by a former happy client or heard about us then decided to visit our offices physically without enquiring online. Upon arrival, the investor is received warmly by our receptionist or alternatively by the managers available. The conversation about interests in our plots for sales starts from there.
Also, we do invite land investors who enquired online or via call and booked a site visit to pass by the office for some coffee. Through an interactive session, we tour the investors through our offices, introduce them to the AMCCO space and also showcase testimonials from former land investors.
Afterwards a briefing occurs where we visually guide the investor on the property through videos and photos. They make a pick and instantly we drive off to the property location in our executive van for free.
• Site Visit
All our plots for sale in Kamangu and Thigio are exactly less than 15 minutes away hence guarantee you a short but quick ride to and from the offices. At the site, the investor is open to viewing the land, observe the surrounding environment, measure to confirm the plot size, evaluate the drainage, weather and type of soil. The relationship manager further shares history of the land, location and neighborhoods to help the investor understand more about the property.
This is the most important stage and has contributed to majority of land investors buying from us. They say seeing is believing, our land investors are convinced and ready to purchase only after viewing the actual land.
• Engagement And Discussions
After the site visit, we drive back to our offices for a thanksgiving and further discussion on a way forward. The investor(s) gets to talk about the identified piece of land whilst the manager lays down the strategic steps to acquire it. Discussions about reservation and payment follow afterwards.
• Payment
With two available flexible payment methods, the client picks the most reliable and efficient one in between cash payment or installments of up to 3 months. Cash payment is instant while installation payment is initiated by a booking fee and the rest paid in 3 equal installments.
For example, the New Olive Gardens in Kamangu has plots worth Kshs. 550,000 each paid in cash or Kshs. 650,000 paid in installments. When an investor opts to pay in installments, he/she will pay Ksh 50,000 then pay Ksh 200,000 consecutively for 3 months.
Payments are often wired through bank transfer to our cooperative bank account and immediately after confirmation a receipt is produced. The receptionist drafts a sales agreement which is signed by the lawyer and the investor and this marks the ownership of the plot. Afterwards we initiate a Title deed transfer in collaboration with Kiambu County Lands Registry as illustrated in this blog https://amccopropertiesltd.co.ke/the-truth-about-title-deeds-part-2/
• Official Title Deed Handover
Processing the Title deed officially kicks off after the plot full payment is completed by the land investor. This process has charges that total up Ksh 30,000 and in less than 90 days the Individual Title Deed is produced and sent to our offices by the registry team. We there afterwards organize with the investor for them to pick up the document at our offices or alternatively have it parceled to their location on our bill. During the official handover, there are several remarkable gifts for every land investor.
This stage doesn’t mark end of the investor’s journey with AMCCO but rather opens up new doors for friendship and joining our community of happy land owners.
The relationship manager inducts the investor into ensuring they settle in comfortably in the new area. This includes guiding them on where to shop or also the best amenities in the area, even better, more about the society.
As the year ends, our community of happy land owners is broadening daily. We welcome you to join us and experience the joy of owning land within the fastest growing neighborhood in the Nairobi Metropolis Area.