The Process Of Buying Land From the Diaspora

The Process Of Buying Land From the Diaspora

The Process Of Buying Land From the Diaspora

As a Kenyan in the diaspora, buying land in the diaspora is a lot easier and quicker as long as you follow the following steps:
When buying land, you need to consider a number of things.

For starters, the location of the land, the entity selling the land, the availability of proper documentation, and its proximity to, say, the town center and/or other amenities
Now let’s kick off with the process:

  • Find a reputable and trustworthy real estate company or agent that can assist you with the land search, negotiation, documentation, and transfer.

At Amcco, we have specialized in such matters, and we will help in the search of your interest as well as help in negotiations and transfer of the title deed, which takes a minimum of 30 days after purchase to be done.
A number of investors have been scammed in land dealings.

Most fail to do proper due diligence to establish the legitimacy of the sellers and ascertain that they are indeed the actual owners of the land.

All this starts with the element of trust that they built in companies that they haven’t even confirmed are real or just imposters.

Amcco Diaspora clients

Always be careful and approach recognizable and certified companies like Amcco Properties so that you don’t end up regretting it.

You can tell a legit, certified company by the following details; don’t hesitate to ask them to share them with you so that you know you can trust them:
Registration and approval by the government
Letter of Recognition from the Land Registry of the Area
Client Testimonials
Some companies post their success stories on their pages, and you can visit their website to confirm them.

  • Choose a suitable location and price range for your land investment, based on your preferences and budget

Don’t forget to do a search for the land that you want via online mediums such as Google.

It is always good to consider researching your areas of interest, after which you will need to narrow down the projects that you have seen to those that fit your budget.

  • Conduct due diligence on the land title, ownership, boundaries, zoning, encumbrances, and any other legal or environmental issues that might affect the land’s value or use

There are always a number of reasons as to why due diligence is conducted, but I will be narrowing that down to four reasons that will tell you the reason as to why you need to ensure you don’t skip this step:
Confirm and verify information that was brought up during the deal or investment process.
It is done to identify potential defects in the deal or investment opportunity.
so that one can obtain information that would be useful in valuing the deal.
to make sure that the deal or investment opportunity complies with the investment or deal criteria.
to make sure that all the information reported by the seller is accurate.

At Amcco Properties, we value transparency in business transactions between the diaspora and us.
Amcco Legally owning land
And as shared, we have a well-trained professional team that’s always ready to serve. They are always ready to take the diaspora clients through the whole process, even taking them to the site and sending photos or even video calling over the same. Basically, it is to ensure that the client is satisfied on their end and doesn’t have doubts.

  • Complete the payment and transfer process, either through a bank account or a lawyer

This step has to be taken for the process to be complete.
As for us, the relationship manager at our office will call via WhatsApp or any other means that you may find comfortable and take you through this process because it requires your full participation.
A glimpse of what usually happens is that a sales agreement is sent out via soft copy, whereby you, the client, are supposed to sign and acknowledge interest in purchasing the land. When doing this, you need to have sent your identification documents, including copies of your ID, KRA Pin, and 3 passport-sized photos usable in transfer documents.

After the signing, the sales agreement form is forwarded back to the relationship manager, and you retain your copy.

The relationship manager goes ahead to process the transfer documents, and the same signing process loops back to you. These documents signify the transfer of the land and title deed number to your name and are sent to the land registry for title deed processing.

5. Obtaining the original title deed and other relevant documents
Usually takes a total of 30 days, depending on the quality of services, but the maximum time one can wait for the title deed is 2 months.
The title deed is sent from the land registry, after which our relationship manager can prepare it for you to pick it up, or even better, it can be parcelled and shipped to any location of your choosing.
For any other information you may need clarification on, call us at +254 701 293 199. We are always ready to serve you.