3 Types Of Land Title Deeds in Kenya

3 Types Of Land Title Deeds in Kenya

3 Types Of Land Title Deeds in Kenya

In Kenya we have 3 types of Title Deeds.

  • Absolute Title Deed

  • Certificate of Lease

  • Sectional Title Deed

However, much of the fortune you’ve used to cash in on land will be meaningless until you have a ready-made title deed on that specific plot you have in mind; then you are as good as null.

A title deed is basically a document that proves ownership and legal rights over a piece of land.

It is one of the most important things that one should have when acquiring land.

The title deed clearly displays and shows the owner, the type of property, and the size and dimensions of the plots.

Also, before you buy land, ensure that you’ve conducted detailed research on the particular piece of property that you have in mind.

Below are three major title deeds in Kenya.

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1. Absolute Title Deed
This kind of title deed is also referred to as freehold title.

In this scenario, the legal landowner has the full maximum rights to the land without any time period or unnecessarily restrictive restrictions on what they can do on the land.

In other words, there are no conditions whatsoever on ownership.

And they can go up to the point where they can even choose to subdivide their land and get titles for it.

2. Certificate of Lease
This is a type of deed that states one owns land with restrictions and is subjected to a definite period (the maximum being 99 years).
It is usually given to an individual or occupant for a given period, after which they are required to renew the ownership time after time.

The occupant of the land is called the lessee, while the landowner is the lessor. The lessee is subject to annual payments towards the land that go by the name of land rates.

3. Sectional Title Deed
With the current state of living right now, as everything hikes up, quite a number of people will always consider going for cheaper options, and by that, it means that they will always select easier ways when it comes to housing, and that means that they will opt to live in certain areas that are friendly, and in doing so, some of them always consider buying a house within an apartment or flat where they can freely live without necessarily having to worry about rent.

That’s when the very people are presented with a sectional title deed that now confirms ownership of that property.

READ: Title Deed Conversion in Kenya