Why You Should Get Land and Build Before You Retire
Why You Should Get Land and Build Before You Retire Buying land and building a home before retirement can be a smart financial decision. The earlier you...
Why You Should Get Land and Build Before You Retire Buying land and building a home before retirement can be a smart financial decision. The earlier you...
Amcco Properties Limited a land selling company specializing in plots along Dagorreti road advises it has never been better to by land along Dagorreti-mutarakwa road. This road has access to southern and western by passes.
It is every person’s dream to own a place they can call their own. A roof over one’s head is the surest form of security for mankind. Closer home, our cultures place a premium on owning a piece of land as well as a house.
What Happens To a Property After a Divorce When a couple is divorced, whatever they have is subdivided between them. This is usually decided under the Eq...
default On Friday, 16th June, 2023 Amcco Properties held a ‘Park n Launch’ party at Beverly Estate just opposite Tilisi Gardens in Nairobi, Keny...
As a land buyer, your first move is land shopping. At this stage you lay down the available options and weigh the best. But beware at this stage you do encounter numerous circumstances with either positive/negative consequences.
When AMCCO Properties Limited began it’s journey with new land owners in Kenya, available plots for sale were majorly located in Kamangu. As time has rushed by, Kamangu is decreasing it’s shares thus giving way for its immediate Neighbor.
Having good soil is something that will help you be productive especially when you want to start agribusiness. Clearing the land will redistribute the soil evenly making it healthy. This will also allow your plants to grow green and fresh.
How To Avoid Land Scammers When Buying Land in Kenya Land fraud in Kenya is a serious issue that requires one to be very careful when it comes to owning...
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