Step-By-Step Guide To Follow After You Lose Your Title Deed, How To Get Replacement

Step-By-Step Guide To Follow After You Lose Your Title Deed

Step-By-Step Guide To Follow After You Lose Your Title Deed, How To Get Replacement

Lost your title deed? Panic not! Losing such a vital document can be nerve-wracking, but fear not, we have got you covered with a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process seamlessly.

Some of the properties AMCCO Properties is selling in Kiambu county. The loss of a title deed can send any property owner into a spiral of worry, but for all landowners and prospective land owners with this fear, AMCCO Properties Limited is here to offer you a beacon of hope.

We will break down this complex procedure for you in case of the unfortunate event that you happen to lose your title deed. Also in this read, we also educate you on how to get a genuine and ready title. With their properties in the lush landscapes of Kiambu county—Thigio, Kikuyu, Gikambura, and Kamangu—AMCCO not only provides scenic views and diversity but also the security of ready title deeds.

AMCCO has already welcomed many Kenyans into their fold, selling plots in these highly sought-after neighbourhoods, now a melting pot of ethnic diversity, reflecting the vibrant spirit of Nairobi. But what happens if that all-important document, your title deed, goes missing?

The thought alone can be daunting. Yet, it's a reality that many Kenyans have faced, opening doors to potential fraud and complications. What should I do if my title deed is lost? After you ascertain that your document is not just misplaced but completely lost, the first step you should take is to visit the nearest police station and file a report of a lost document.

This kickstarts the process of ensuring the document is not used to make illegal transactions, or even if it is used in such a manner, you get a legal buffer. The police will issue you with a stamped police abstract with an OB number as illustrated here. Visit the local lands office, file a report With your stamped police abstract, head to the local lands office where you will notify them of the lost document.

From there, the registrar will require you to prove ownership. This will also involve taking a copy of your ID and KRA pin certificate to the registrar of lands. The lands office will then write you two letters confirming the report you have made. One of the letters will be addressed to The Government Printers, instructing them to publish in the Kenya Gazette announcing the loss of title as shown here. The other letter will look like the one shared here.

The latter to the government printers is usually accompanied with a banker’s cheque of about KSh 3480. You will also be required to pay a declaration fee of KSh 2,000 at the lands registrar’s office. You can then choose to submit the letters to government printers along Heile Selassie Avenue, opposite CBK and Times Towers, by yourself or let the land office do that for you.

The last option is, however, slower. Swear and Affidavit You will swear an affidavit indicating that the title deed in question belongs to you as shown here. An advocate will help with this and they will also place a caveat protecting your property from illegal transactions Advertise on two national newspapers Apart from making a report to the police, another requirement is to advertise the loss of the title in two newspapers with national circulation.

This will require you to visit Standard or Nation offices, where you will book a space in the classifieds section. The notice contains the title owner's name, the land's location and size and the land code assigned to the property. Each advert will cost around KSh 900. The amount could be more or less, depending on the number of characters you want published.

The sheet used to book the advert looks like this. Collect Kenya gazette from government printers Two weeks after submitting a banker's cheque and letters from the land register to the government printers, the Kenya Gazette will publish a notice of a lost title in one of its issues.

This should be submitted to the local lands office where you started the process. The notice will declare that the registrar will issue another title deed after 60 days if no one contests the notice or claims ownership of the same land. It is important to note that the process of replacing a lost title deed is elaborate, requires patience, and is expensive.

Therefore, it is important to guard your document with zeal. How do I get a genuine title deed and become a landowner With plots starting from KSh 750,000, AMCCO Properties Limited not only ensures you own a piece of Nairobi's coveted land but also stands as a guardian of your investment.

Their commitment to providing ready title deeds means you're not just buying land; you're investing in a promise of rich diversity and friendly neighbours who share your dream of a secure and prosperous future. So, if you're looking to plant your roots in a neighbourhood that is as diverse as it is desirable, consider AMCCO Properties Limited for the best land deals.

Embrace the opportunity to join a community where every plot tells a story, and every title deed is a testament to your belonging. Some of the properties AMCCO Properties is selling in Kiambu county. Don't let the fear of paperwork deter you; AMCCO Properties Limited has experts who help conduct due diligence and ensure the transfer of title happens after only 30 days.

Reach out to us, today and take the first step towards owning a piece of Nairobi's most promising future. Contacts Call/Text/WhatsApp: +254 701 293 199 / +254 711 082 083.