Amcco Properties Wins 2023 Real Estate Awards at Sarova Panafric

Amcco Properties Wins 2023 Real Estate Awards at Sarova Panafric

Amcco Properties Wins 2023 Top 100 Real Estate Awards at Sarova Panafric

Amcco Properties has once again proven that they are among the best land-selling companies in the country by bagging home the real estate awards as well as being recognized out of the many other companies that are doing the same.
This is the third award in a row after being recognized among the leading companies that are making great sales lately.

As Amcco Properties, we specifically sell land in Kikuyu region areas where there’s tranquility, fast-growing infrastructure, road networks, and a serene environment that’s ideal for raising a family and residential use.

Yesterday we went home with the real estate awards at a parked event that took place in Sarova Panafric from 7:00 p.m. all the way to 9:00 p.m.

The top 100 real estate awards is an organization that recognizes and publicly celebrate the key players in various realms of the sector who have over the years, have achieved outstanding results in their niche, positively impacted the lives of their clients, and played a significant role in catalyzing the industry’s growth.

This kind of award is generally not all about picking the best side but also encourages brand competition amongst themselves so that those companies that aren’t delivering on their end get to learn something or two so that they can also up their game.

Amcco Top 100 awards

The awards are presented to the companies for mainly three reasons:

To recognize and reward excellence in the real estate industry.
Encourage innovative solutions within the industry.
Enhance quality standards.
As well as promote confidence in the industry (which motivates the team to keep putting in the work knowing that someone out there appreciates what they are doing),

The company has truly managed to sell quite a number of their projects in Kikuyu, leaving their clients referring others to them as well as coming back to ask for more.

Amcco, which is now 3 years old, has tremendously done great work, and we keep surpassing our opponents expectations by delivering each time.

For more information, you can reach us through our phone, which is +254 701 293 199, or even better, book a free site visit with us or drop by our offices in Gikambura Kikuyu and get to chat with an able professional team we have who would walk you through the land ownership process as well as be willing to answer all your questions that you may need clarity on.