Land is an asset and one of the most profitable assets indeed.
Owning land lately offers you with great crucial opportunities to venture into many things that you didn’t even think existed.
Below are a list of creative business ideas that you can put up on your vacant land and watch yourself make millions.
Before you put up anything on your land, there are quite a number of factors that you consider which are, the size of the land, Location of the land, Zoning laws of the area, Source of water, Safety hazards and precautions and also the Quality of soil.
Here is a compilation of them:
  • Farming

Pretty Obvious right? Everybody understands this Agri business is one of the most growing and demanding sector in today’s world especially considering the high cost of living lately. This means that you are at liberty to plant whatever you want as long as the type of soil, climate and topography favors you. The good thing with this business is that it expands both locally and you can even export it which will give you good rewards and income.
  • Billboard Advertising

If for instance or by luck your land is alongside the main road or highway then you are lucky as companies will approach you wanting to put up billboards so that they can advertise their facility or product and services that they are offering. This kind of business pays well as you will be entitled to consistent monthly income that of course can help you live and pay your bills in the long run.
  •  Set up a Nursery

People have become obsessed with wanting to own plants, flowers and such like in their house either inside or outside. The Nursery business is profitable and demanding and you can easily run your own plant nursery business without struggling. You may get contracts to supply trees and flowers to institutions and of course other personal orders that will pay you well.
  •  Firewood Business

When we are speaking of land of course what comes in mind is that it’s not necessarily without anything and even if it is then consider panting trees in it this can be a good business strategy as you’d be supplying timber, and even firewood to quite a number of institutions because natural energy is cheap than the artificial one.
  • Build a Park

For example consider siting up an amusement park that can be a perfect business for those of whom love having fun and relaxing will consider your place an option. The demand for amusement parks has grown strongly over the past few years.
  • Training Grounds

Your land can be perfect for organizations such as fire departments and even military training or National Youth service, big companies can lend it to train their team. This is a win situation as it will always be considered. 5 REASONS LAND FENCES ARE IMPORTANT
  • Educational Centre

I read somewhere that Education never ends even when all the other things come to a stop. How about starting your own educational centre especially a private one with all the facilities. You are certain that a school ca never be unoccupied as there still a million children in this continent investing in starting a learning institution is a good business deal that will always give.
  • Athletic Fields

Setting your land aside as a training ground for games like netball, basketball, volleyball and even soccer amongst other games will make it active and productive to you as an individual rather than leaving it idling.
  •  Dairy Farm

Dairy products form an essential part of the diet of human beings, they originate or rather are produced by cattle which are reared in a restricted enclosed piece of land they even rarely see the sun. Therefore, if you are currently possessing lands that are vacant and unused, then you can allow your land to set up a dairy farm, which will also help you improve your finances as an individual.
  • Parking Lot

The way there are so many cars and garages that are being set up then it’s one of the more reasons as to why you should have a parking lot. People normally get stranded where they can park their cars and end up leaving them back at their house opting to use public means setting up a parking lot will surely guarantee you a good sum of money daily! You can contact Amcco Properties on 0701293199 for more information on prime plots at and affordable price! Read: 5 THINGS TO DO BEFORE LEASING LAND.