Preferable Routes that can lead you to Kamangu and Kikuyu

Preferable Routes that can lead you to Kamangu and Kikuyu

Preferable Routes that can lead you to Kamangu and Kikuyu

We are doing this to answer those inquiring about how they can reach the area that’s less than 30 minutes from the Nairobi CBD.

Below are different routes that you can use to reach Kikuyu and Kamangu:

  • If you are from Nairobi CBD, Karen, Ngong Road, or any other nearby destination:

Consider taking the Waiyaki Way, which connects the Uhuru Highway through Westland and even Kangemi.

If you have passed Regen, then there’s an exit you will see that joins the Southern Bypass, where you will have the option to use Ondiri Road.

AMCCO land kamangu

  • If you are coming from Kiambu and Thika

Kiambu, Ruriu, Kimbo, Juja, Githurai, Kahawa West, Kahawa Wendani, Muthaiga, and any other location that is in that area that I haven’t mentioned, use the easiest route, which is the Eastern Bypass, which extends to the Southern Bypass and onto the access roads that will lead you to Kamangu Stage, which is approximately 15 minutes away.

  • From Thogoto

Along the southern bypass that’s past Kikuyu town, there is an exit that links to Dagoretti Road, which runs from Kihunguro to Mutarakwa.
The road cuts across major urban towns, including Musa Gitau, Gikambura, and Kamnagu Town.

It is a good thing that lately everything is now online on Google Maps. What I just gave you is a guideline of what you will be referring to, and tell yourself you are indeed on the right track.

Even better, for those who might not be in possession of their smartphones, they can refer to these. You can be assured that the above-named roads will lead you to Kikuyu and Kamangu, and it is from there that you will get to see the beautiful landscape and the serene environment of the area that will make you interested in owning land in this area.

Kikuyu is an area that’s experienced tremendous growth ever since the highway was built and has seen quite a number of investors step in to take advantage of the moment.

Book a free site visit with us today by contacting us via +254 701 293 199, or even better, visit our offices in Gikambura and meet our sales team that will walk you through the process of becoming a land owner.