Did you know land was sold at 24 cents (Ksh 0.244) per square foot before the 2000s? Moreover, renting the same piece of land was even cheaper at 4 cents per year (Ksh 0.04). During the time, the areas being sold were under developed and very remote inclusive Ndeiya area which covers Thigio and partially Kamangu. The lack of tarmac and under development contributed to the cheap pricing of land by then.

Decades later, this has become history that only favored the prepared. The ones who invested the few cents and count millions to date. Though cents at the time were highly valued, consider the current economy where cents are never a thing.

Investing in Land can seem expensive today but will highly reward commercially in the near future as prices are escalating due to the rapid development in Kenya.

NOTE: One factor that predicts the price of land and their appreciation in the future is infrastructure and specifically road networks. Presence of tarmac roads in an area will sell the land within at higher prices than areas with murram roads.

Accessibilitytarmac is a serious aspect that most land buyers consider while purchasing land either to build on or maintain for future sale. Moving from point A to B should never be that tough and hard. No one wants to maneuver on muddy roads when it rains or get a dust coating when it’s dry out here. Majority of research has proven that land buyers either invest in areas with well done roads or ones that are to be tarmacked to suit their accessibility needs.

It’s even evident from our point of view; as a land selling company, most of our rapidly sold out and successful projects were the ones in areas with tarmacked roads. i.e

The big question stands, how does tarmac really affect the pricing of land?

In this blog we explain fully how tarmac roads cause an increase in land pricing and also share tips on how you can bypass the high prices yet still acquire land in the same tarmacked areas.

  • Tarmacked Roads Lead to Formation of New Towns.

It is well known that major towns in Kenya inclusive Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru and Eldoret were well known to be connected by the major highways passing through them. Road networks leads to movement of people, goods and services. It resulted to trading activities and the areas developed into cities just because of the roads.

In 2023, so many towns have been developed due to the same factor, including Thika, Kiambu and Kikuyu. The minor towns attract business setups and amenities that would have rather been sorted out in the major towns hence cutting off the stress of moving long distances. Though this comes at a cost; land pricing in the areas near any town are higher than areas with no town at all.

Kamangu and Thigio are progressing into being bigger towns and this causes a continuous rise in land pricing in the areas.tarmac

  • Tarmacked Roads Attract Urbanization.

Investors and Government officials prefer setting up their offices in areas that can be accessed easily in and out. Thereby presence of tarmac roads will foresee establishment of many offices and enterprises contributing to the urbanization of an area. Urbanization is an advantage to the locals residing nearby as they will access services easily from within. Schools and good hospitals are also set up guaranteeing quality health care and education locally. The downside to this for land investors wishing to invest there is the higher prices compared to prices before urbanization.

In 2013, Dagoretti road which connects to all our land projects was a poor road with countless portholes. 10 years later, the road is smooth after maintenance and has attributed to formation of Thogoto, Gikambura, Lusigetti, Kamangu and Thigio towns so fast.

Construction of the new Ha Koinange – Kiriri road that passes next to Genesis 3 and 4 plots saw an increase in plot pricing in months. Land in these areas was less than 700K back then unlike today where a plot goes for more than 900K. In some areas of Gikambura and Kamangu, plots cost up to 1.5 million each.

Luckily enough, we have maintained high value land in the areas for you with just 550K only. Check out Olive Gardens here.

  • Tarmacked Roads Guarantee Better Accessibility.

Aside from the above mentioned factors, this falls as the most considered while purchasing land. Most land investors will scout for land in many locations but will selectively choose the ones with good road networks. After continuous evaluation a choice is made and as seen through most of our land clients, areas with tarmac like Thigio are a golden win.

Genesis 4tarmac is less than 2 months old but almost completely sold out; ranking as the most successful project to sell out fast. Majority of the land owners attribute their ownership to the fact that the tarmac passes next to their gates. This guarantees them a smooth ride to and from their homes which is time efficient. The plots are selling at 1.2 million simply because of the added advantage the tarmac offers to the residents. It’s evident the better the accessibility the higher the price.

As a land buyer with a slightly lower budget than the prices offered in the areas, it can be challenging to acquire land with already tarmacked roads. However with AMCCO Properties Limited, worry not as we always dedicate ourselves to serve everybody with high value land solutions. Even without the millions, you can still purchase land near the tarmac.

This is how;-

Olive Gardens is located in Kamangu 10 minutes from Kamangu Town. The road that connects directly to this project is Ha-koinange -Kiriri road which was commissioned for tarmacking a few months ago. Even better, each plot costs 550K with ready title deeds issued after payment. What a sweet deal, right?


Let us take you for a free site to Olive Gardens today. Get in touch via 0701 293 199 or amccoproperties@gmail.com. The best time to invest is now before prices knock you down soon.