Different Routes to Kamangu, Kikuyu

Different Routes to Kamangu, Kikuyu

Different Routes to Kamangu Area in Kikuyu

The Southern Bypass from Nairobi CBD, Eastern Bypass and Thika Road Environs

To access the area, there are various renown routes based on your current location.

From the Nairobi CBD, Karen, Ngong Road and nearby Environs

You will use Waiyaki Way, which links from Uhuru Highway through Westland, Kangemi and beyond.

Past Regen, there is an exit that joins the Southern Bypass whereby you have the option to use Ondiri Road or Dagoretti Road as illustrated further below.

Alternatively, Ngong Road and Langata road are reliable routes linking to the southern bypass for clients residing within the locations.

From the Kiambu and Thika Road Environs

Whether from Kiambu Town, Ruiru, Thika, Juja, Githurai, Kahawa West or all nearby locations, the easiest route is via Eastern bypass which extends to the southern bypass and onto the access roads mentioned below.

Via Dagoretti Road from Thogoto, Gikambura, Limuru

This road exits from the Southern Bypass at Madukani, Thogoto and will lead directly to Kamangu stage approximately 15 minutes away.

From Thogoto Madukani Exit

Along the southern bypass 700m before or past Kikuyu Town based on the lane you are using, there is an exit that links to Dagoretti Road which runs from Kihunguro to Mutarakwa.

The road cuts across major urban towns inclusive Musa Gitau, Gikambura (Our Office Location) and Kamangu Town.

From Kikuyu Town – Kamangu Town – Ha Koinange Stage

Alternatively, you can link express 10 minutes from Kikuyu to Kamangu Town via Ondiri Road. This route is the quickest due to its short distance and saves you time due to scarce traffic.

The routes illustrated are functional and guarantee you complete accessibility to your plot.

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