Common Mistakes Made By Online Land Buyers in Kenya

Common Mistakes Made By Online Land Buyers in Kenya

Common Mistakes Made By Online Land Buyers in Kenya

The age of technology has improved all aspects of life, especially when it comes to house hunting. Online buyers are increasing each day. Kenyans are quickly abandoning the traditional way of house hunting and opting to shop online. This is actually a good thing for real estate agents. However, some online information is false, leading to some buyers believing what they see. There are a couple of online scammers who are actually also aware of how real estate works and tend to take advantage of uninformed clients with money and have their way with their fortune. Today I will be showing you the common mistakes that home buyers make:

Failing to do research

You went online and discovered a plot of land in Thigio going for 600,000 ksh, then called up your agent about the land, insisting you wanted that land.

Lands defer in each region; don’t expect the prices to be in the same range everywhere.
The notion that the customer is always right doesn’t apply 100 percent of the time. Most times, customers are ignorant and unaware of the right information.


You are actually so fast in closing the deal because you feel like it is a lifetime offer, and if you don’t, it might just disappear from your fingertips, a risky move that might cost you in the long run because you wouldn’t know how to trace your money online rather than if you had done that physically.

Falling for the Notion of ‘The Customer is Always Right’

This statement has unleashed a rabble of misbehaving customers who think they are experts in their own right.

You know what’s best because, well, you know yourself. At Amcco Properties, we have a skilled staff that can assist you in beginning your real estate investing journey.


Stated differently, you must acknowledge that there is always more to learn about real estate. Since your real estate agent is meant to be your advisor, you shouldn’t discount their advice simply because it doesn’t match what you observed.

You should be conscious as a client that your agent is an expert in internet marketing, not you.

Fake online property ads

Kenya is currently impacted by this epidemic.

Social media scammers using real estate have thousands of phony adverts that draw attention from users.

Confusion over properties and their costs results from these advertisements.

Even while you might think you’re immune to deception, plenty of people have been tricked, and there will be more victims.

Regretfully, these fraudulent advertisements are unavoidable.

As a prospective buyer, you must, however, exercise caution to avoid believing misleading information and educate yourself about the costs and market worth of a region of interest.

You might be wondering how to spot a phony advertisement. Here’s a list of items that can raise suspicions:

The price is too good to be true.
The company has no online presence.
When you call, they demand a site visit fee immediately.
They insist on a down payment after one visit.
Some may even refuse a site visit, insisting the property is the same as the image.

Failing to conduct site visits

This is actually a common practice that has held many hostage to losing their money because they are too busy to go and see what they’ve paid for.

Even if it happens that you have been able to seal the land deal, you have been awarded your land, and the whole process goes smoothly, it might happen that one day, when you decide to visit your land, you end up realizing that there’s something wrong with your land.
Basically, what I am saying is that having to go physically for the site visits helps you a lot because you will get to see what is wrong in your land and what you want adjusted at the moment rather than waiting for the last minute, when it would be irreversible, if you find legit land sellers that you can bank on.

Those are just some of the mistakes that online land buyers tend to make when trading because they are unaware. It is important to know how real estate works. You can do this by reading such articles and knowing what happens and what’s expected of you. There’s nothing bad that can cost you more in the long run than assuming stuff.

Read: The Process Of Buying Land From the Diaspora