Ngong plots for sale

 Ngong Springs Estate is located along Ngong Suswa Road . The land is sub-divided into 50 by 100 plots, each plot selling at KSH. 550,000/-. This plots are ideal for SPECULATION or COMMERCIAL use.  The plots are located approximately 25Km from Ngong town and are touching the Ngong-Suswa Tarmac road which connects to to towns such as Narok and Kibiku. You can access Ngong Springs Estate via the Ngong-Suswa tarmac, or the proposed Nachu- SGR tarmac. The plots are well fenced with concrete poles that provides good security in the project.

Ngong Springs Estate has potential for,

  1. Commercial Development:
    • Industrial Use: Develop warehouses, manufacturing facilities, or distribution centers.
    • Recreational Use: Create a recreational facility such as a golf course, park, campground, or sports complex, since its touching the Ngong Suswa tarmac, which is used by tourists travelling to Masai Mara.
    • Institutional Use: Develop educational institutions, healthcare facilities, or religious institutions.
  2. Hold for Investment:

Ngong has high appreciation rate, thereby, you can onto the land as an investment and wait for its value to appreciate, and then sell the project at a higher price.

Amenities on site

  1. Water 
  2. Electricity
  3. Good Security

Amenities in the neighbourhood

    • Kimuka Secondary School
    • Greenyard School
    • Citam schools Ngong
    • St. Joseph Catholic Church Ngong
    • P.C.E.A Kimuka
    • Great mission church
    • King David Hospital
    • Kaswend Hospital
    • Rapha hospital
    • Ngong Market
    • Kimuka Trading center
    • Aloha cottage
    • Shams Eco camp
    • Ole Alkhalai resort

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