Deforestation entails the practise of cutting down trees without replacing them in turn.
Forests help make the planet be conducive for us all, but human activity is destroying them at an alarming rate. Deforestation represents a growing threat to all life on Earth if it keeps happening then we would have missed quite a lot.
Below are some of the effects of deforestation:
  • Destroys Climate Change

By cutting down trees without considering what impact they are going to make on the climate is absolutely wrong clearing land without trees affects the climate for one, there won’t be availability of rain that used to exist. Also, carbon goes into the atmosphere and drives climate change. Understanding how deforestation affects helps one be careful with clearing land. 5 REASONS LAND FENCES ARE IMPORTANT
  • It Pollutes Air

Forests are responsible in ensuring that there’s clean air, through photosynthesis, the leaves of trees take in carbon dioxide and water. Research tells that one tree can help generate enough oxygen for four people. And now Deforestation has exactly the opposite effect it removes all the essential source of cleaner air, releasing the stored carbon. Worsening the air quality.
  • Risk the Creation of More Pandemics

Deforestation makes pandemic more likely because a lot of viral serious diseases come from animals living in tropical forests, the more these forests are brough down the more the animals get close to human beings producing pathogens opportunities to evolve.
  • Destroys the Home of Creation of Medicines

Almost every antidote and drug originates from plants in one way or another. Forests are a source of medicine and medical supplies. Compounds found in these plants have been used to treat everything from heart disease to diabetes to malaria. Only a small fraction of plants have been tested for their medicinal properties, so it’s essential to protect all forests in general and research what else they can offer humanity.
  • Increased Soil Erosion

Soil erosion that entails removing on the top layer or rather washing off land leaving it bare and exposed reducing it’s fertility and productivity. Soil erosion has devastating effects on environment. Areas with high soil erosion are also more vulnerable to flooding, dust storms and even water pollution. When trees are cut down, the soil is left exposed. Soil erosion can also worsen climate change because soil holds high volumes of carbon dioxide. When soil is degraded through deforestation, the carbon is released into the atmosphere.
  • Leads to Increased Joblessness

Forests are a crucial economy communities living in the forests depend the forests to Cather for their needs they use the forests to make a living out of it. Deforestation will mean this people don’t get to be more productive and fens for themselves as they might as well now sleep hungry and even be hard to make a living.
  • Leads to Flooding

Deforestation exposes the land and leaves the it bare hance creating a perfect site for flooding as the water is not contained the way it could’ve been trees. Without forests, the soil erodes and washes away, causing farmers to move on and perpetuate the cycle. The barren land which is left behind in the wake of these unsustainable agricultural practices is then more susceptible to flooding which makes it hard for farmers to practice agriculture.
  • Desertification

Deforestation is the main cause of desertification and this entails when land that was occupied and filled with trees has been laid bare.

Deforestation increases greenhouse effects by reducing the number of greenhouse gases that is absorbed by trees this, in turn, raises evaporation and evapotranspiration levels and increased temperatures causing long dry season periods and therefore increasing drought.

Exposing the soil to high levels of temperatures drains it dry making it lose moisture.