First we define the meaning of the term title deed: This is a legal verified document that acts as proof that one owns a piece of land or a home, it shows ownership of property.
The title deeds are issued by the Ministry of lands, Housing and urban development at the ministry registrars office.
And also the best you way to know if your title deed is genuine is by conducting a search, do this with the help of experts thus the land registrar’s office and help of lawyers.
Below are types of Title deeds and what they mean:
Certificate of Lease
This is a ownership document for leasehold property. It’s normally issued when someone is renting a place that he or she plans to stay for a period of time. The occupants is given rights for a specific period of time. In Kenya, the maximum number of years that one is allowed to lease land is 99 years.
Sectional Title deed
This is a title unit that’s issued to a part of a building or a separate building on a piece of land that has been converted into a section scheme. This very title guarantees one that they own an apartment or flat that they recently acquired its proof that it’s yours.
Absolute Title deed
Also refereed to as a free hold title, free hold title entails that the owner or buyer has full rights and is at liberty to do whatever they want with their land without having limitations. This title deed is proof that you can call the shots on your land.
Certificate of Title
This is a municipal issued document that identifies the owner of certain properties or property.
A certificate of title provides documentary evidence of the right of ownership. Read: TITLE DEEDS: THE TRUTH ABOUT LAND DOCUMENTS IN KENYA (PART 2)