As 2022 wraps up, it is alarming how land con cases have risen and affected majority of Kenyans. Example, talk of money lending services cutting across major brands whose names have been misused to lure innocent Kenyans into fraud.

Most of the fraud deals seemed so true to decline and amongst them were real estate based. The fraud cases have resulted to more and more parties joining the real estate market each with a different product.
These parties are more often individuals or a group with the aim to make quick cash by luring investors then scamming them eventually. To mention, the individual sellers range from actual land owners, brokers and even freelance agents.

Important note: Not all real estate individual sellers are fraudsters. Amongst the many, some are legit and fully certified hence operating and offering legal deals to investors. Though, still be warned that aside from cons, other individual sellers have legit products but don’t fully fulfill the purchase process. i.e., Title Deed transfer process. This later delays the ownership of the purchased product inconveniencing the land buyer. The best advice is to avoid such situations by dealing with remarkable real estate companies.

There are more advantages to purchasing land from a real estate company than an individual. The most important one has been mentioned and explained above: To avoid Fraud Cases.

Are there more advantages? The answer is Yes.

 1. Real Estate Companies Have Offices with Operational Structures.

Imagine a situation when you meet up with a seller in a hotel or random meeting place. The reason is that they don’t have an office. To some point this is reasonable for new startups but is a red flag if the seller has been in business for a long duration and can’t set up a professional station to cut deals with client.

It even worsens when you only met the seller once and after making the payment, he/she is nowhere to be seen or found. This leaves you in shock unlike when you would have visited their particular office to trace them down. An office signifies seller’s physical existence and builds trust immediately an investor wants to transact a deal. Investors also do make office visits to pick up documents or hold discussions with their sellers.

2.  Real Estate Companies are Accredited and Operate Legally.

The law is only able to protect or recover money lost through fraud if only the seller was registered as an existing real estate vendor. This means you can sue a company for not delivering as agreed on common terms whilst unregistered individuals have the openness to refuse liability due to lack of transactional proof with you. The fear of losing certificates ensures each company is on toes to sell and deliver the best quality of land that a buyer chose. Hence you are guaranteed security upon your land purchase.

3.  Real Estate Companies Offer Huge Discounts, Affordable Pricing and Other Benefits.

More often purchasing land from individuals will be direct to the agreed price. It’s rare to negotiate or receive discounts unlike where companies will consider it a win to retain you. Here at AMCCO Properties Limited, we run seasonal discounts to clients to enable affordable land purchases. Moreover, there are variety of daily giveaways majorly merchandise to specially thank our land investors.

4.  Real Estate Companies’ Processes are Reliable and Provide Big Time Solutions.

How long would be too long to wait for a Title Deed to be processed? Some say a month others 3 months whilst it adds to even years. Cases of title deed delays occur often when deals are from Individual sellers.

Why? Some don’t even follow up with the land registry while others are too busy searching for more and new investors. This has inconvenienced so many land buyers over the years most complaining of deception. A title deed was promised to be out in 4 months but came 4 years later; isn’t that quite bad?
At AMCCO Properties Limited we cut off the stress such that in less than 90 days your title deed is out. Thereafter we parcel it or invite you for a pick up at our offices. How simple is that?

Solution wise there are a variety of properties available such that an investor either buys to build or to later sell after land appreciation.
Unfortunately, most individual sellers have limited land for sale in terms of size or purpose. Example, a seller selling land for speculation will disadvantage a buyer interested in an already developed area to build on.

Having a variety of solutions to pick on the suitable one is better than being limited to one or none. The list doesn’t end there. More advantages have been experienced by different land buyers and we can only emphasize a few for today.

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